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아름다운 밤하늘을 찍은 사진들 입니다

  1. M45 (Alcyone, Merope), 10inch Astrograph 1st shot. 0 file

  2. m52 & 버블 성운 0 file

  3. Milkyway 0 file

  4. M17 (The Omega Nebula) 0 file

  5. M46 & NGC2438 0 file

  6. The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) 0 file

  7. Rose, blooming in the winter night. (장미성운) 2 file

  8. M78 (오리온자리 반사성운) 0 file

  9. C/2013 R1 Lovejoy혜성과 m44 벌집성단 1 file

  10. Ison Comet (2013/11/08) 0 file

  11. The Ghost Nebula (VDB152+B175) 0 file

  12. NGC1333 0 file

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