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아름다운 밤하늘을 찍은 사진들 입니다

  1. The Sword of Orion 2 file

  2. M81_82 테스트 1 file

  3. The Orion (1st trial) 0 file

  4. lens test (mamiya645 sekor C 80mm) 1 file

  5. TEST - Horsehead & Flame Nebula (HaRGB) 0 file

  6. 오리온 대성운 부근 H-alpha 0 file

  7. 말머리성운 부근 (Ha) 0 file

  8. The Witchhead nebula (IC2118, 마녀머리성운) 0 file

  9. NGC7000 & IC5067 0 file

  10. The California Nebula (NGC1499, HaRGB) 1 file

  11. IC1848 (The Embryo Nebula) 1 file

  12. The Heart Nebula (First light of SXVR-H35, iEQ45) 1 file

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