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아름다운 밤하늘을 찍은 사진들 입니다

  1. The Double cluster 0 file

  2. The Andromeda Galaxy 0 file

  3. 통닭먹는 사람 0 file

  4. NGC7000 (북아메리카) 0 file

  5. The Veil Nebular (Mosaic) 0 file

  6. NGC6992 - Eastern Veil Nebular 0 file

  7. The Lagoon & Trifid Nebular 0 file

  8. M27 (The Dumbbell nebular) 0 file

  9. M13 (2nd trial of 2009) 0 file

  10. Leo Triple (1st) 0 file

  11. M13 (헤르클레스 자리 구상성단) 0 file

  12. M51 (The whirlpool Galaxy) 0 file

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